Revolutionizing Medication Adherence with Next-Gen Hardware & Sensors

In a world where software advancements are occurring at a breakneck pace, it's easy to overlook the critical role that hardware plays in delivering an unparalleled patient experience. That's why our medication adherence platform doesn't just rely on the latest software innovations, but also pushes the limits of what's possible with cutting-edge hardware and sensors.

Medsense Health uses sensors, a Hub, and an application to make taking medications easy


Cellular Hub

WiFi Hub

Any medication. Any container.

  • Medication Bottles

  • Pill Organizer

  • Inhaler

  • Supplement Bottles

  • Eye Dropper

  • Vials

  • Patent-Pending Smart Box

  • What else?

    Let us know if there is a specific medication or container you are looking to track with Medsense sensors.

Download the “How to Integrate Medsense Health” White Paper

For Medsense partners interested in our API or turnkey suite of medication management and adherence tools, this guide will give you an overview of how to launch Medsense for your organization.